Coach Justin
PERFORMANCE (pər-fôr'məns) 1. The way in which someone or something functions 2. The manner in which or the efficiency with which something reacts or fulfills its intended purpose
It seems like it's not very often anymore that something I am doing and consider healthy is brought to my attention that shocks me and makes me seriously concerned about what it is that I am doing. With all of the research I do into health topics, as well as all of the people I come in contact with who relay everything they've heard before, it does feel like I've "heard it all". I know this is not true and that information is always changing but nevertheless it doesn't seem like there's much.
My goal going into writing this blog for you today was to educate you on the dangers of cookware - particularly teflon. As a result I got schooled on the dangers of cast iron, which is the only thing I cook with.
Now, like with any other information that I come across or that is presented to me, I have some more looking-into to do before I form a solid opinion about it, but I'm going to present just a couple of the video(s) I've recently watched last night and see if you do your own research and form your own opinion. Of course, if you've been following my posts for any length of time, you know that I always encourage you to take ANYTHING I present you with and look into it further as well. Don't simply "take my word for it".
The first video below shocked me because, like I mentioned, I only cook with cast iron. The second video was not so shocking to me but it very well might be to you, so please check it out. With that, I would like to note that the recommendations that the guy in the second video is making are not impossible. I have literally only used a microwave no more than a handful of times since 2008 and I only used it because I got lazy.
Make the comittment to yourself to proactively look into these topics that directly affect you and implement necessary changes. Your life depends on it!
Furthermore, please use the follow-up videos that YouTube recommends to further learn about these topics as well as possibly explore additionaly topics that may concern you or affect your life.
Coach Justin