A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Open Class 3:00pm / 4:30pm

Coach Justin
Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm / 6:30pm / 8:30pm
Foothill Volleyball 7:30pm

Coach Justin

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Coach Justin

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

NOTE: Wednesday's classes will be canceled this week. However, Jordan will still be holding his Olympic lifting class this Wednesday at 5:30pm. Please feel free to drop in and attend this invaluable class.

Coach Justin

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gain Weight By "Going Diet"


Open Class 5:30pm / 8:00pm

Foothill Volleyball Class 7:00pm

NOTE: CrossFit Redding is going to Regionals! Out of the 102 teams that competed in the Northern California Region the top 30 get to move on to the next level. CrossFit Redding placed 8th out of 102 teams and is the only team in the top 13 not located in the Bay Area. Furthermore, our showing in the open place us 59th in the world out of 1,774 teams! Obviously I am very proud of CrossFit Redding's accomplishments, but I am also posting this to let you know that if you are interested in attending the Regionals and seeing what the competition is all about we need to put together a hotel room or two as soon as possible. This is not going to be a small event and the rooms in the city will fill up quickly. The regionals will be held on May 18th-20th at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds in San Jose. Let me know by Tuesday if you are interested in attending so we can book the rooms by the end of the week at the latest.

Take a look at this article from the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine regarding artificial sweetners. This is one of the better articles I've read in a while...


Coach Justin

Thursday, March 22, 2012

YOU Are Invited...

Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

Tomorrow brings to a close a grueling 5 weeks of CrossFit Sectionals Open competition and to celebrate CrossFit Redding's success CFR is hosting a BBQ for its' members as well as their friends and family. Straight from their website...

We will be judging the Final Open WOD 12.5 from 10am-2pm, so around 1pm we'll fire up the BBQ and have a good old CFR party. Feel free to bring your favorite pot luck dish to help the festivities. We encourage you to bring friends and family to watch the Open and hang out with the CFR family afterwards.

Hope to see you there.

Coach Justin

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cole And Taylor Swing Away

Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm / 8:00pm

Foothill Volleyball 7:00pm
Coach Justin PerformanceQuestFitness@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mad At CrossFit

Open Class 5:30pm

NOTE: Due to scheduled baseball and softball games, the 8:00pm Open Class is going to be moved to Thursday night this week.

I don't want this to be your story...this is why I do what I do.

Mad at CrossFitSometimes I get mad at you, CrossFit. Why weren’t you around when I was 15? I wonder what type of athlete I would be right now if I found you at that age. What would I be like if I hadn’t been stuck in the same routine year after year? Back then, my biggest concern was my bench press. I virtually ignored many, many other muscle groups. Why didn’t you come along and hit me in the head and tell me how to REALLY become fit!?

When you were founded, why didn’t you come and knock on my door right away? Why were you so quiet and hard to find? You were out there somewhere, lurking in the shadows, weren’t you? You were there and I didn’t even know it. It’s frustrating to think about.

These days, we see you on television with CrossFit Games coverage. We see you in commercials during big sporting events like the NFL playoffs. I see you in commercials WITH NFL superstars. I keep hearing the names of famous people who find you and fall in love with you instantly. I see you in stores and all over the internet.

Why weren’t you so friendly and loud and visible a decade ago?

But, I eventually found you and I guess that’s all that matters. We have A LOT of catching up to do.

Coach Justin

Monday, March 19, 2012

Overhead Squat/Snatch Prep


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

This has been coming up a bit. Take a look...
Coach Justin

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Schedule Changes 'Til May


Open Class 5:30pm / 8:00pm

Foothill Volleyball 7:00pm

NOTE: Please bear with me folks as I am having to make some unforseen changes to my regular schedule until the end of the school year (beginning of May). As of right now it looks like I won't be able to have class earlier than 5:30pm on Monday's and Wednesday's but I should still be able to hold my regular schedule on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's. I appreciate your patience.

Coach Justin

Friday, March 16, 2012


Open Class 2:00pm

NOTE: If you still need/want to complete the CrossFit Sectionals Open Workout 12.4 please be at the gym between the hours of 10am and 2:00pm to be judged.

Coach Justin

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yikes! What Are You Cooking With?


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

It seems like it's not very often anymore that something I am doing and consider healthy is brought to my attention that shocks me and makes me seriously concerned about what it is that I am doing. With all of the research I do into health topics, as well as all of the people I come in contact with who relay everything they've heard before, it does feel like I've "heard it all". I know this is not true and that information is always changing but nevertheless it doesn't seem like there's much.

My goal going into writing this blog for you today was to educate you on the dangers of cookware - particularly teflon. As a result I got schooled on the dangers of cast iron, which is the only thing I cook with.

Now, like with any other information that I come across or that is presented to me, I have some more looking-into to do before I form a solid opinion about it, but I'm going to present just a couple of the video(s) I've recently watched last night and see if you do your own research and form your own opinion. Of course, if you've been following my posts for any length of time, you know that I always encourage you to take ANYTHING I present you with and look into it further as well. Don't simply "take my word for it".

The first video below shocked me because, like I mentioned, I only cook with cast iron. The second video was not so shocking to me but it very well might be to you, so please check it out. With that, I would like to note that the recommendations that the guy in the second video is making are not impossible. I have literally only used a microwave no more than a handful of times since 2008 and I only used it because I got lazy.

Make the comittment to yourself to proactively look into these topics that directly affect you and implement necessary changes. Your life depends on it!
Furthermore, please use the follow-up videos that YouTube recommends to further learn about these topics as well as possibly explore additionaly topics that may concern you or affect your life.

Coach Justin

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vitamin D...Yet Again!


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

Foothill Volleyball 7:00pm

You know how I'm always going on and on about the importance and the benefits of Vitamin D? Well, here are a couple of videos that support that.

If you're really interested in looking up more information about it just go to YouTube and search "Vitamin D". This search also works well in Google as well as Google Scholar.

Happy Living,

Coach Justin

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

You Are A Ticking Time Bomb


Open Class - 4:30pm / 5:30pm / 8:00pm

Foothill Volleyball - 7:00pm

NOTE: Beginning today, Performance Qeust will be hosting a late night class on Monday's and Wednesday's util the end of the school year. Monday's will be held at 8:00pm and Wednesday's at 7:00pm. This class is meant to accommodate those athletes who currently have other comittments during the earlier "open class" times.

With all of the foods we eat today and with all of the additives that are added to the foods we eat, it's just a matter of time before we end up with some sort of horrible disease or illness. In all honesty, our bodies are meant to be healthy all the way through a long life span. We are not supposed to die from things like cancer, heart disease, syndrome-X diseases, diabetes, etc. By not eating meat and other foods that are sustainably farmed you are playing Russian Roulette with your life.

One of my biggest gripes is when people say, "Oh Justin, what's just this one time going to hurt you to eat this (insert food here)". Honestly, besides the fact that whatever food it is that people have to convince me to eat will ruin my stomach for a minimum of the next 10 days, every bite I take is taking time off of my life! Sounds a bit dramatic I'm sure. But it's not a joke. Every choice you make can either improve your quality of life or decrease it. I can't quantify how much time each bit or plate of "poor quality food" will decrease your life expectancy, but I'm confident that it does to some degree. It might only be seconds for a cupcake...but then again, it could very well be minutes too! All I know is that it all adds up to days, years, and unfortunately decades off of our lives and the lives of the ones we love.
With that, I'm asking you to be proactive with your health and it's associated decision-making. Lead by example. You can't tell your Mom that she needs to be really strict on a diet or exercise program and not "toe the line" yourself. Think about it, would you listen to what I said as intently if I were a fat couch potatoe who only came into the gym to work and never worked out or to teach you about nutrition as I ate a brownie? I'm guessing not. And you guys are a big motivator for me. I don't necessarily expect you to live your life exactly the way I live mine but I do expect you to pick up on certain aspects of it.

I consider myself a leader and, as such, my goal is to make you a leader as well. There's a quote by the great Mahatma Gandhi that states, "If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him...We need not wait to see what others do."

Though there apparently is no reliable documented evidence that Gandhi actually said these following words, he is also credited with stating the more commonly known form of the above quote, which has been simplified, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

With either of these quotes, Gandhi is telling us that personal and social transformation go hand in hand.

So start by reading the following article and then by making incremental but consistent positive changes in your life. Those little changes will start to have a massive impact on you and those around you. I know because I see it in you every day...ARE YOU REALLY WHAT YOU EAT?

Coach Justin

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Open Class 1:00pm

NOTE: If you still need to do the sectionals open WOD 12.3 come in at 12:00pm.

Coach Justin

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Washboard Abs On A High-Fat Diet, No Ab Workouts And No Cardio?


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

I had a conversation today with several of my new, young, aspiring CrossFit athletes about how to get abs and of course my first reaction was to talk about diet. Not only until I had briefly covered the diet portion of this question did I begin to talk about developing abdominal strength and definition. Of course this was quite the "overshare" of an answer for what these particular athletes wanted but I am just the messenger. I don't write the rules.

This blog post from Mark's Daily Apple outlines our conversation virtually ver-batum...WASHBOARD ABS ON A HIGH-FAT DIET, NO AB WORKOUTS AND NO CARDIO?
Coach Justin

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Does Doing CrossFit Make You A CrossFitter?


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

Workout 12.3 of the CrossFit Sectionals Open has been posted. Go to the link to check out what the workout is and what the standards are.


Yes, you come in and do CrossFit workouts twice a week, thrice a week, four times a week. But do you know who Jason Khalipa is? Do you know who Chris Spealler is? What about Pat Barber, Graham Holmber, Annie Sakamoto, Josh Everett, Mikko Salo, Kristan Clever, Annie Thorisdottir, Rich Froning Jr., Brian MacKenzie, Kelly Starrett, John Welbourn, Adrian Bozman, Mike Burgener? Have you ever heard of K-Star, B-Mac, Manimal, The Iceland Princess, J.E. (all of these people were listed with full names in the previous sentence)? Do you know who Greg Glassman is? Do you know who Pukie is?

Let's put this all in perspective. Basketball players, baseball players, football players, soccer players, volleyball players, track athletes - pick a sport, any sport - the athletes who play these sports at any level all have their favorite players. Ask a 6-year-old tee-ball player who they want to hit like when they play and they'll rattle off a name or two before you can blink. Same for pop warner football players or elementary school basketball players. This trend progresses as we get older too. Talk to a high school athlete about their favorite athletes and they can tell you every last detail about whomever that is. From their season stats to their stats from the game the ngiht before to their shoe size and music selection when they work out. And, even when we get older and mature into the "beer leagues" and fantasy leagues, we still have our pick of whom we imagine we are playing like as we trip over our own two feet or wildly throw an errant ball into the stands or our own team's dugout.

This is not to say that all of these sports don't have their recreational players as well who do not take it nearly as seriously as "competitive" athletes do. But I guess that's what I'm asking you. Are you a weekend warrior CrossFit participant or are you a CrossFitter? If you're a CrossFitter that has aspirations of some day making CrossFit your sport, or if you simply want to get better at CrossFit in general, then these should be names that at least ring a bell. In the group of people that I most associate with, these names are all to common. Why? Because we want to get better, so we emmerse ourselves in videos, in journals, in blogs and pictures of none other than these people because they are the ones who are going to teach us the things that we need to know to improve our game.

Why is it so important for pro's and non-pro's alike to have someone to look up to and admire? Because they are the true definition of role models. They are the best at what they do and as amateur athletes we spend great amounts of time watching, studying, mimicking, and practicing every last routine or move of our role models to become better ourselves. These people define a level that we have not yet achieved and are striving to reach.

Honestly, these people are not difficult to find. Punch any of the names above into Google and you get more information on these athletes than you could read. Quickly cruising around on CrossFit's "main site", http://www.crossfit.com/ you can find many of these people in demonstration videos within 2 minutes. And, in the same vein, how often do you check http://www.crossfit.com/ (aka: "main site" or ".com" (dot com))? Do you have your subscription to the CrossFit Journal? I would bet good money that virtually every competitor who makes it to the regional level of the CrossFit competition and the CrossFit Games answers would be, "daily" and "are you fracking kidding me!".

What about you? How often do you tune into my blog (for more than just to look at that day's class times)? How often do you frequent ".com"? Do you have your journal subscription? Who's your favorite CrossFitter?

Coach Justin

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012


Open Class 12:30pm

NOTE: If you still need to do the CrossFit Games Sectionals Open workout 12.2 please be at the gym by 12:30pm.

Coach Justin

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Preparing For The Reebok CrossFit Games Sectionals Open Workout 12.2


Open Class 4:30pm / 5:30pm

Wednesday marked the kickoff of the second Reebok CrossFit Games Sectionals Open workout. For full details of the workout click here...Workout 12.2. Essentially this workout consists of 10 minutes of snatches. In order to prepare for the upcoming task check out the two videos below of one of the best Olympic lifters in the country Jon North. Jon competes for team USA and CrossFit Redding has had the priveledge of having him drop by a couple times to coach some of us on the fine tuned skills of Olympic lifting.

I also highly suggest you watch the video contained within the link above that briefs the workout and shows a demonstration of the 2011 Fittest Man On Earth, Rich Froning Jr., completing the workout with the 2011 Sectionals Open Champion Dan Bailey.

Coach Justin