A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Positivity Is Contagious

Gainer's Class 3:00pm
Open Class 5:00pm / 6:00pm
Foothill Volleyball 7:00pm

NOTE: There are a number of athletes who are wishing to gain weight. This is what the "Gainer's" class will be dedicated to.

Today, a client related an old experience with a previous trainer to me. She stated that this trainer was always in a bad mood and always wanted to talk about what was negative in his life. She reflected upon the fact that this negative attitude had a direct affect on her performance and experience at this gym.

This got me to thinking of the importance of remaining positive at the gym…

There is a famous quote, which states, “Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” -Brian Tracy

How is this possible if we are always negative? You WILL NOT be a winner if you do not manufacture positive expectations.

Whose job is it to be positive?

First and foremost, it is yours. When you are positive, others react positively around you. They feed off of your energy, and are in turn, positive themselves. Even when you are having a rough day and you want to vent about it, find a way to speak positively instead. The term “venting”, in my opinion, is misleading. It never makes you feel better. In fact, it usually just gets you more worked up instead. How about doing all of your venting on the barbell??

Secondly, it is your coaches’ job to be positive. I can plainly see this when I teach. On days that I am in a good mood, my classes miraculously respond with positivity. When I am in a bad mood, it is amazing how miserable my students are too! It is imperative that our coaches always remain up-beat and positive!

Lastly, it is the job of every athlete around you to remain positive (of course, if we all applied being positive ourselves, this wouldn’t have to be said). No one likes to be around a “Negative Nancy”. Somedays, you may be having a bad day and find it utterly impossible to be positive, how wonderful it is that we can rely on those around us to make positive comments and change these moods!

Keep it positive. It’s contagious!

Coach Justin

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