A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

If My Own Mother Were Dying This is What I Would Do

If you’ve read my previous post “Foundations of Good Nutrition” you know that I’m a firm believer in the fact that no matter how well you perform at any given task or sport, you can perform better with sound nutrition. Even Olympians can and have benefited from improved nutrition. Same goes for general health – you can always be healthier. And, if you are sick, there's a darn good chance that nutrition and lifestyle changes can help you. The problem is that there aren’t too many people out there who know what good nutrition really looks like. Even the so called “experts” that we deem deserve credit as such typically base their information off of faulty logic that, in its own right theoretically sounds good, but when put to real life application proves to be wrong.

That is why I’m an avid follower of one of, what I believe to be, the greatest and most revolutionary minds in the field of nutrition. To say revolutionary is somewhat of a paradox considering that his teachings take us back to a way of eating that mirrors the way humans ate before the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. Why is his stuff so powerful? Because it has been PROVEN time and time again to be effective and applicable for anyone and everyone under any situation or circumstance. It is my assertion that this man can talk about any topic of nutrition to anyone on any level. I believe in what he does so much that if, God forbid, my own mother were dying he is the first person I would consult with, in the utmost of confidence, regarding a plan of attack on how to cure her ailment. In fact thousands of people have already beat me to it and with phenomenal success. HE SAVES LIVES! And he does it all through dietary intervention and lifestyle management changes. And I have been fortunate enough to garner enough exposure with him that he has equipped me in many ways to do the same.

His name is Robb Wolf (http://www.robbwolf.com/) and we are fortunate enough to not only have this man living right next door in Chico but to have him provide his life-altering information for FREE! Robb produces an audio series titled “The Paleolithic Solution” chalked full of useful, immediately applicable information on topics that genuinely matter to you. Don’t believe me? I dare you to scour through the podcast outlines and tell me that there’s nothing on there that you wouldn’t like to know more about. You can do so here http://robbwolf.com/?feed=podcast

Here's a brief clip of the man himself in action

For Robb’s impressive bio click here…http://norcalsc.com/index.php/site/coaches



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