A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CrossFit Rules Of Conduct

NOTE: There will most-likely be no class this Friday.
Compliments of Desert CrossFit
The funny thing is...these rules naturally write themselves. For those of you who already participate in CrossFit, you know what I'm talking about.

Coach Justin

Monday, November 29, 2010

How We're Wrecking Our Feet With Every Step We Take


NOTE: There will most-likely be no class this Friday

Just found this phenomenal article in the online magazine "New York" titled You Walk Wrong. For my money this is a must read and it may give you some great Christmas ideas too.

Coach Justin

Another Follow-Up On The Dangers Of Milk!...AND...Find Out What Has Had Me Fuming Lately


NOTE: There is a good posibility that there will be no class this Friday.

If you enjoy cancer and like welcoming it into your body then, by all means, avoid reading this article. However, if you and cancer are not friends it may be worth your time to take a quick peek. The Label All Milk Drinkers Should Look Out For (Unless You Like Cancer)


Pilots' unions for US Airways and American Airlines have urged their pilots not to submit to Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) screening due to potential health risks and privacy issues. Should you still be okay with subjecting yourselves to these same risks. Also some very interesting information on WHEN to fly to avoid another "not very well-known" health hazard while traveling. What The TSA Is Not Telling You About Full Body Scans...

Coach Justin

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Coach Justin

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving


NOTE: There will be class held Friday. Check back tomorrow night for the time.

This week we took one of the girls up a notch and did "Squat Clean Grace". That is 30 squat cleans and jerks for time.

Coach Justin


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's Your Risk Of Having A Heart Attack During Thanksgiving? You Might Be Surprised!


NOTE: There will be no class this Thursday.

Thanksgiving is the starting point of holiday season in United States. In recent days for most people in America thanksgiving is more of a feast rather than a time for giving thanks. One can always say apart from starting the holiday season thanksgiving also kicks in the season for heart attack. Unfortunately, that’s what is happening.

In 1999, Dr. Robert A. Kloner, MD, PhD, of the Heart Institute at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles found that heart attack deaths begin to increase around Thanksgiving, continue to rise through Christmas, peak on New Year’s Day, and then drop off. The researchers concluded that overindulgence and emotional stress during the holiday season were behind what Dr. Kloner dubbed the “Merry Christmas Coronary” and “Happy New Year Heart Attack” phenomenon.
PLEASE follow up this introduction from My Healthy World's by reading the following article from The Washington Post. Pay particular attention to the paragraph that begins, "But that's not all". I really want you to understand that this is what happens over time to people who eat these same foods (sugars, breads, pastas, grains, dairy...pies!, etc.) on a regular basis even if they don't indulge. An analogy for this situation would be that Thanksgiving dinner is like being in a boxing ring with a welterweight champion and having him deliver the knockout punch. This is in contrast to regular daily poor eating habits that is the equivalent of someone just tapping their finger on your forehead repetitively until you have a massive bruise and a pounding migraine.

Here's the article you MUST read...Thanksgiving Dinner Can Be Deadly.

Coach Justin

Keep yourself within the paleo guidelines this holiday with some help from these websites.

The Paleo Table (Thanksgiving Edition)

A Southern Paleo Thanksgiving

Also, I know that what lingers on the countertops after the main feast is over is one of the most difficult times to stay within the Paleo guidelines. Here's a pumpkin pie recipe that does just that!

Paleo Pumpkin Pie!

Coach Justin

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Muscular System Answers 2 AND A Challenge To You

NOTE: The schedule for this week is not definitively determined yet. Please make sure to double check the day and time before each day's workout to make sure there have been no changes. Currently I am planning on holding class this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and possibly Friday.
Come to me by Wednesday and tell me what the generally accepted definition of CrossFit is and what it means to you. If you are among the first ones to come to me with the right answer you will be able to choose the workout of your choice for the next time you attend.

1. Galea Aponeurotica
2. Epicranius
3. Orbicularis Oculi
4. Nasalis
5. Levator Labii Superioris
6. Zygomaticus Major and Minor
7. Orbicularis Oris
8. Risorius
9. Depressor Anguli Oris
10. Depressor Labii Inferioris
11. Mentalis
12. Omohyoid
13. Sternohyoid
14. Sternal Head of the Sternocleidomastoid
15. Scalene
16. Trapezius
17. Deltoid
18. Pectoralis Major
19. Serratus Anterior
20. Rectus Abdominis
21. External Abdominal Oblique
22. Biceps Brachii
23. Brachialis
24. Pronator Teres
25. Brachioradialis
26. Flexor Carpi Radialis
27. Extensor Carpi Radialis
28. Tensor Fascia Latae
29. Iliopsoas
30. Pectineus
31. Sartorius
32. Adductor Longus
33. Gracilis
34. Rectus Femoris
35. Vastus Intermedius
36. Vastus Lateralis
37. Vastus Medialis
38. Gastrocnemius
39. Peroneus Longus
40. Tibialis Anterior
41. Soleus
42. Peroneus Brevis
43. Extensor Digitorum Longus

Coach Justin

Friday, November 19, 2010

Muscular System Answers


Ok, I think you've had enough time to get your answers figured out for the little muscular system quiz I posted the other day. Here are the answers to the posterior half of the picture I gave you. If you haven't attempted the answers yet go ahead and take a stab at the anterior picture. If you have no clue what any of the muscles are look them up. See what you can learn and see if there are any words that ring a bell that either I have mentioned before or that you've heard before but didn't know what it was. Also notice the ones you've never heard before. Keep in mind that these pictures test a VERY basic knowledge of the muscular system.

1. Occipitalis
2. Semispinalis Capitis
3. Splenius Capitis
4. Sternocleidomastoid
5. Trapezius
6. Deltoid
7. Teres Minor
8. Teres Major
9. Triceps Brachii
10. Latissimus Dorsi
11. Brachioradialis
12. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
13. Anconeus
14. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
15. Extensor Digitorum
16. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
17. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
18. Erector Spinae
19. Internal and External Oblique
20. Gluteus Medius & Gluteus Minimus (underneath Gluteus Medius)
21. Gluteus Maxiumus
22. Vastus Lateralis
23. Gracilis
24. Adductor Magnus
25. Biceps Femoris
26. Semitendinosus
27. Semimembranosus
28. Gastrocnemius
29. Soleus
30. Peroneus Longus
31. Flexor Digitorum Longus
32. Extensor Digitorum Longus

Coach Justin

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Strength Training For Young Athletes


NOTE: There will be no class this Friday.

Most importantly, “Appropriate strength-training programs have no apparent adverse effect on linear growth, growth plates, or the cardiovascular system.”

Read more here...Strength Training For Young Athletes

Coach Justin

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Study: High-Carb, Low-Fat Diet Takes Another Beating

NOTE: There will be no class this Friday.

Last month I posted an article by Arturo Fioribello titled The Food Pyramid Hoax, which stated that, "The agenda of the USDA food pyramid is to expand markets for agricultural products and support international economic development." This was found clearly stated on the USDA's website!

Now I offer another convincing argument against the USDA food pyramid here...Is The Food Pyramid Obsolete?

I don't feel that the article draws as hard a line as it needs to but hey, it's another step in the right direction.
Good work last night Performance Quest Athletes. After some strict pull-ups we tackled an 11's workout of kettlebell swings and toes to bar.

Cameron opted for the rings instead of the bar on the toes to bar

Coach Justin


Monday, November 15, 2010

NOTE: There will be no class this Friday.

Last night the Performance Quest Athletes did a little squatting, a little pressing and then took on a met-con that consisted of dumbbell hang cleans and burpees.

Natalie is now giving lessons on how to squat.

Coach Justin


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Thinking of GOMADing or already on the wagon? Make sure you understand the risks. I know that for those of you who've talked with me about it have been warned about the increased cancer risks of drinking milk (consuming dairy products in general).

Why does GOMAD work? Because it contains what are called insulin-like growth factors. In short, these growth factors cause abnormal, excessive cell growth. Hence the reason milk and cheese are so effective for gaining weight. However, when we look at the basic definition of what cancer is we find that it quite literally is, "abnormal, excessive cell growth". EGADS!

That's why I recommend consuming dairy ONLY until you reach your desired weight and then getting off of it that day!

Why milk instead of supplements? Because with the increased cancer risk associated with dairy I presume that the risk is still less than that of supplements. Plus, findings have shown that a Gallon Of whole Milk A Day is proven to be more effective than anabolic steroids! On GOMAD most people gain an average of 25 lbs. in 25 days!

But like I said, make sure you check these out and then decide if gaining weight is really that important to you...

Woman Finds Cancer Cure
Does Milk Cause Or Promote Prostate Cancer?
Insulin-Like Growth Factor

Coach Justin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Know Your Parts

NOTE: The next class will be held Monday at 6:30pm. Time to roll now that my volleyball season is coming to a close. Be prepared.

Want to know what all those silly words I keep mentioning are? Test yourself here and see how you do and then look up what you don't know. If you don't know or memorize what all of the muscles are at least you can get an idea of which part of the body I'm referring to when I say one of those foreign words...like sternocleidomastoid (my favorite).

Which muscle name is your favorite?

Coach Justin



NOTE: There will be no class this Thursday or Friday. Friday is the last volleyball game of the season so prepare yourself for several full week's worth of workouts coming up!

Either one you'd prefer to look at...doesn't seem to be all that encouraging. Should be motivating for the upcoming weeks though.

Coach Justin


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


NOTE: The only other class time this week will be Wednesday at 6:30pm. After this week Shasta College Volleyball's season will be over and I will be able to hold more regular class times. Thank you everyone for bearing with me through the season.

Coach Justin

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Lesson In Midline Stability

NOTE: Class times will only be held on Monday and Wednesday of this week. This is my last week of volleyball so expect more days of class in the weeks to come.

Congratulations and Good Luck to Foothill High School Varsity Basketball. This motivated group of hardwood athletes grinded their way through another preseason with Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics. This group did a phenomenal job increasing their work capacity on all accounts. It will be a pleasure to watch these guys take the floor this season.

For their last preseason workout they conquered one of my favorite workouts. In this workout, appropriately named "Atlas", it feels like you are carrying the weight of the world on you shoulders. Though it sounds simple on paper there are a number of lessons to be learned from the tasks which must be accomplished. Two of the biggest lessons, and arguably a couple of the most important lessons an athlete can possibly learn in a gym, are those of midline stability and center of mass as it relates to body control and bar positioning.

Are you able to spot any midline stabilization faults in these pictures or do they all show excellent midline development and bar positioning?

With how well they came together as a team off the court I'm excited to see what actually happens on the court

Good luck this season Foothill Basketball. Thank you for a hard-working preseason.

Coach Justin


Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Phil!

No Class
NOTE: The next class time will be Monday at 6:30pm. Keep checking back for next week's days and times. There is a possibility that next week will be a very limited schedule. Also, next week is my last week of volleyball so the schedule should become more consistent after that.

Phil...Phil is the man! Somewhat hesitant at first to give CrossFit a shot (and who isn't?), Phil is now accomplishing feats that he never thought would be possible in his life. Since beginning with Performance Quest, Phil has taken pride in learning how to safely and efficiently lift heavy objects and is excited to continuously improve his lifts every time he enters the gym.

How does this strength and conditioning experience translate to a better of quality of life for Phil? Well, as you may or may not already know, before starting with Performance Quest, Phil had previously suffered a couple of very serious back injuries. Injuries that he believed would limit him from enjoying certain aspects of his life for the rest of his life and that were severely limiting his ability to perform his tasks at work.

Now Phil warms up with weights he never thought he'd ever be able to lift and performs all of the workouts at a high quality. At work, Phil is now showing the "big guys" how to lift properly so as not to injure their backs and is frequently called upon to lift some of the heavier objects. Don't know if that is appealing to everyone but Phil really takes pride in this fact.

Phil is an invaluable part of the Performance Quest Fitness & Athletic's family. Every time he steps foot into the gym he is ready to work hard. Like myself, Phil recognizes the benefit that CrossFit could have given him as a high school teenager. Benefits that he never received. It is for these reasons that Phil is such a positive influence and motivator for many of the young athletes that stumble through the gym doors and take part in our program.

It's sure nice having you as part of the Performance Quest Family Phil.
In honor of the presence that is PHIL we did a workout in his name. The workout was as follows:
With a 45 lb. bumper plate complete 3 rounds for time of:
2 turkish get-ups (1.5 pood)
27 squats
27 overhead walking lunges
27 floor wipers
27 step-ups (20")
7 turkish get-ups (1.5 pood)
2 mins. rest

Phil Starts with his 2 TGU's

Followed by Squats

Overhead Lunges

Floor Wipers Step-Ups

And more TGU's

Nice Work Phil and Happy Birthday!

Coach Justin

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6:30 pm

NOTE: There will be no class this Wednesday or Friday.

Flu Season is once again upon us. Before you even think about getting a shot read this article. New Proof that This Common Medical Treatment is Unnecessary and Ineffective.

Coach Justin