Lucy started working out with Performance Quest upon the conclusion of her Freshman year of volleyball (which she played at the JV level) nearly a year and a half ago . I happened to be fortunate enough to be the JV Foothill volleyball assistant coach that year and, as you can imagine, headed up their strength and conditioning for the season. Long story short, when the season was coming to an end I offered the girls a chance to continue the progress they'd made throughout the course of the season. Bluntly, Lucy was not one of the girls I expected to see walking through the gym door. And, self-admitedly, she hadn't the slightest desire to even know the location of "The Fit". So how did Lucy end up as one of my coveted bad-to-the-bone athletes? Mom! Mom made her come in.
And it's a good thing she did isn't it Lu? Lucy has always been a hard worker and with that empowering work ethic came serious results...and quickly. In a short period of time Lucy lost 30-35 lbs and has managed to keep it off! Her performance has improved drastically and at times I could see the confidence in her grow quite literally by the second. (For those of you who participate in a Performance Quest/CrossFit workout you know what every second can do for you). Now I can't keep that girl away from the gym. She has transformed her weaknesses into strengths and has overcome so many things that she dreaded before and actually enjoys them now! Namely running.
This will be a HUGE reward for Lucy as she both powers her way onto the Varsity volleyball scene at Foothill High next year and navigates her way through life. Lucy is a girl I will always want on my team, inside and outside the gym.
If I could give any words of encouragement to Lucy they would simply be this, "get comfortable with uncomfortable". Understand what this means Lu and not only will you see your performance skyrocket but you will learn a lot about yourself. Literally. You just have to go there to understand it, but when you do...watch out!
Keep up the hard work Lucy. Don't ever lose sight of that stellar work ethic and I know you will do great things.
The Nu Lu...

Coach Justin