Previously I recommended you all jump at the chance to learn as much about nutrition as you can and that the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf is the best way to do that while not getting so buried in scientific "mumbo-jumbo" that you get absolutely lost.
I was extremely pleased to learn that a number of you took that challenge and purchased the book.
Obviously I am a HUGE fan of the book. The only gripe I had was that there was no index. When I read something that good and with that much information I'm always wanting to go back and quickly find what I want quickly.
Well avid Paleo do-gooders...we're in luck. Recently Robb Wolf has completely revamped his already incredible website and has included such an index to go along with the book. For those of you who bought the book here it is in all its glory.
The Paleo Solution Index

Coach Justin
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