Open Class 5:00pm / 6:30pm
The Digestive Tract

Bear with me folks. I believe I've covered just as much as I'm going to cover on endocrinology and we're fast approaching all the gory, gruesome details of what it is about grains, dairy, potatoes and legumes that makes them so stinkin' detrimental to health. However, before I jump straight into all the fun stuff, I want to take the next few posts to briefly give a foundational introduction to your pie-hole...the all-important digestive system. Now quick! Throw your hands up in the air and yell, "YYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!" I can only imagine your excitement right now!
Gastrointestinal tract: The GI tract refers to mainly the stomach and the intestine, but also to the structures from the mouth to the anus as well. Basically, the GI tract is one long tube that keeps the contents of what we eat OUTSIDE the body. Kind of odd to think of it as keeping contents outside our body when it is on the inside but the GI tract is literally a barrier between our body and undigested food particles. Without the GI tract undigested food particles would leak into our blood stream, which is literally poison to our body. One problem, that we'll soon explore, is that the some of the foods we eat quite literally punch holes in our GI tract and allow this seepage of poison into our bodies anyway. I bet by now you can guess which foods I'm talking about.
Mouth: The mouth is where it all begins. This is the first part of the GI tract and begins the physical and chemical breakdown of food.
Stomach: The chemical breakdown of proteins occurs in the stomach.
Small Intestine: The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of minerals and nutrients from food. 
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