Care to learn why Coach Justin refuses to make a New Year's resolution...Self-Improvement Is Masturbation (I promise the article is not crude, this is just a relevant quote from a popular movie that ended up as the title)
As I sat in a living room circle at a friend's house Christmas night I realized that, as the conversation was flowing around the room, it would soon be my turn to tell everyone (about 20 people or so) my New Year's resolution. You see this was a "fun" game that one of the family members decided to kick off and have everyone in the room take turns telling their goals for 2011. As I sat there, with only six people left before having to make something up, I contemplated expressing my feelings on New Year's resolutions and making the whole mood turn extremely awkward in about 0.2 second.
However, my self-conscience, you know the good one with the wings and the halo that dwells on the left shoulder opposite the one with the horns and pitchfork on the right, got the best of me. And so, I made up some silly little New Year's resolution that appeased everyone present and kept the "game" on track. Now in no way am I ridiculing this family because it has happened every year no matter the family and I'm sure you've been in a situation very similar to mine. Heck! You may have been the one who initiated the "game".
Honestly, I've never been one to make a New Year's resolution and can't for the life of me remember ever seriously making one. To get a good sense of just why I don't make such resolutions check out this article by John Welbourne of CrossFit Football...Self-Improvement Is Masturbation

Coach Justin
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