Open Class 5:30pm
Baseball/Softball Class 6:30pm
NOTE: Start preparing/scheduling for another week-long hiatus from Performance Quest training beginning next Wednesday (November 2nd) and extending through the following Wednesday (November 9th) as I travel to Orlando, Fl to be in my best friend's wedding. I am planning on returning to the gym Thursday, November 10th. During this time I am expecting ALL OF YOU to attend the gym just as frequently as you normally would and take either coach Jordan's Olympic Lifting Class or Barbell Class those days. These are invaluable classes that will make you better.
You Are Your Hormones
This "Deadly Quartet", which was covered in yesterday's post, directly leads to Syndrome-X Disease (also commonly referred to as Metabolic Syndrome). Professor Loren Cordain, Ph.D. has coined hyperinsulinemia (insulin resistance), which is the root of this/these diseases, as "the diseases of civilization" and claims that Syndrome-X is just the tip of the hyperinsulinemia iceberg!
Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimers, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), depression and much, much more are the result of Syndrome-X disease.
To the credit of the "greater medical body", I will give them this - at least they understood that diet influenced the development of these diseases when they started popping up in astronomically staggering numbers. The problem however, was that America's dietary response to these diseases was a high-carbohydrate/low-fat diet! ...OOPS!
Playing off of my "correlation and causation" theme from yesterday's post, it is worth noting that it is a disgustingly overwhelming common fallacy that fatty food = fat people. THIS IS WRONG! Dietary fat DOES NOT turn into body fat. Carbohydrates turn into body fat. Same as dietary cholesterol DOES NOT turn into serum/blood cholesterol. Carbohydrates cause elevated serum cholesterol levels. (I know I've really painted carbohydrates in a bad light here, but, if you've been reading, you should know by now that not all carbohydrates are the same.)
There are so many commonly-believed, utterly WRONG examples like this that are perpetrated on the American public (YOU) that it should make you sick to your stomach to see how much misinformation you are constantly fed. And, since I don't want to go on a tangential out of control spiral about this right now, I will do a couple of follow-up blog posts before the unit is over to address these. These being, "fatty food does not = body fat" and "why you never hear the right information".
Tomorrow I will cover one of the most common and easily cureable diseases that results from this hyperinsulinemia gammet - Type II Diabetes.
Coach Justin
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