Open Class 6:00pm
Foothill Varsity Boys Basketball 7:30pm
"Jump Day" is always one of the highlights of working with a basketball team. This is the day where the atheletes get to display their insane H-O-P-S! They have to complete jumps from three different starts. First is from the seated position which negates any form of elastic rebound that they might garner from their muscle's concentric loading required for maximum height during a jump. This also does a great job of teaching the athlete to powerfully explode out of a more fixed, static position that more resembles the set up of a clean or snatch. Theoretically, this jump will be the shortest of the three jumps.

To achieve the heights that these athletes reached in each of these three separate jumps they must posess exceptional power, superior flexibility, and have a strong command of their balance. The next jump was the standing jump. With this jump the athletes were now able use both the concentric loading phase of a jump as well as the eccentric explosion. This would theoretically be the jump that would be the second highest jump of the three.

In the third and final jump the athletes were allowed to use any start they deemed necessary to get as high as they could and land on top of the platform, standing tall to complete the jump. All the athletes used a running start as if they were going to dunk a basketball or spike a volleyball. There were some pretty amazing results.
Did he hurdle it???

Sizing it up before conquering the mountain...

Coach Justin
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