Open Class 6:00pm
Foothill Boy's Varsity Basketball 7:30pm
Lately I've had a staggering number of requests to extensively cover what I recommend with regard to nutrition. So, I plan to do just that. My goal is to cover this topic every day, to the best of my ability, from as many different angles as necessary until I actually do explore this issue as completely as possible. Topics will range from why I recommend what I do, what it looks like, what negative implications can be had from not adhering to it, what benefits are to be had, how to make it work for you, as well as recipes and examples of what I eat throughout the day, and I'm sure much more.
In order to accomplish this and in addition to many of my own explanations, I will be drawing lots of information from a number of different sources. To cite these sources I will do a cumulative "sources cited" page at the end of my posts on this topic.
Also, keep in mind that the angles I take in explaining something might not seem directly relevant to you and your goals, however, I assure you that the terms can easily be worded in your favor with every example.
As you will see in this first post, I am delivering this from the point of improving athletics but you can replace "sport" with ANY goal that you have, unless your goal is to become sick or sicker. If sports performance is not your ultimate goal then understand that by following these guidelines will help you LOOK, FEEL, and PERFORM better in any area of your life at any level. From performing better at your job to being able to play with the grandkids to hiking that mountain that you've alway wanted to conquer.
So...without further ado, let's discuss why nutrition is so important. To assist me in my logic I offer exhibit A.

This is a theoretical hierarchy which exists for the development of an athlete. It starts with nutrition and moves to metabolic conditioning, gymnastics, weightlifting, and finally sport. This hierarchy largely reflects foundational dependence, skill, and to some degree, time ordering of development. The logical flow is from molecular foundations, cardiovascular sufficiency, body control, external object control, and ultimately mastery and application. This model has greatest utility in analyzing athletes' shortcomings or difficulties.
Neither I, nor anyone else deliberately order these components but nature will. If you have a deficiency at any level of "the pyramid" the components above will suffer. So, to clear up any confusion with this, what I am saying is that if you don't focus on your nutrition and get it right you will never be as good as you could be at sport, combat, recreational activities, or life in general.
Arguably, nutrition plays the most critical role in your fitness. Proper nutrition can amplify or diminish the effect of your training efforts.
Forget about the fad high carbohydrate, low fat, and low protein diet. 70% carbohydrate, 20% protein, and 10% fat may work for your rabbit, but it won't do anything for you except increase your risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease or leave you weak and sickly.
I'll enter exhibit B into evidence here so I don't just tell you why nutrition is important without giving you at least a little tidbit on how to start implementing good nutritional practices in your life. Quite literally, if it's on here eat it...if it's not on here avoid it like the plague!

This is what a healthy food pyramid looks like. Visit again tomorrow for more details.
Coach Justin
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