A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It Is Time


Gainer's Class 3:00pm

Open Class 5:00pm / 6:00pm

Foothill Volleyball 7:00pm

(I command you to read this in your most baddest 300 movie trailer voice)...

And so "IT" has begun. Upon entering the gym today you will notice a different smell, a different hue, a different urgency. The time where mere mortals "de-scare" themselves and are said to be "un-scared" (haha Lucy...your turn!) is upon us. The time where "human" no longer suffices and superhuman becomes the norm. The time where pain no longer exists. The time where you have to look deep inside your soul and ask yourself, "am I willing to die for my workout?" Yes...it is that time.

That's right...CrossFit competition season has dawned and with it will emerge performances and feats that you have never seen before and that you would never have thought possible. All year the people whom you surround yourself with every day at CrossFit Redding train for this season. For the chance to prove themselves and enshrine their name in the annals of CrossFit.

Last night, at 5:00pm, CrossFit HQ (HeadQuarters) made the first strike by posting the first of five challenges that are to be completed over the course of the next five weeks. These workouts will be performed by thousands upon thousands of people around the world and you have the opportunity to do them yourself!

Ok, seriously now. I can't keep this up anymore. I know I'm having way to much fun with this and you're most likely just rolling your eyes.

The CrossFit Sectionals (Open) competition kicks off today and you can register to compete and help the CrossFit Redding team improve their standing to make it to the CrossFit NorCal Regionals and hopefully move on to the CrossFit Games. We need as many people in our gym to sign up and post scores as possible. There will be one workout posted each of the next five Wednesday's at The CrossFit Games Website for you to complete. You must sign up at The CrossFit Games Registration Page by Sunday afternoon to compete.

And, the way I see it...you might as well sign up and be a part of this experience. Not becuase there's nothing like it (which there's not) but because I will be programming these workouts into your training weeks over the course of the next five weeks anyways!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Check out this video Reebok CrossFit has put together to introduce the open and the games...

Coach Justin

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