A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Improved Performance Is Only 2 Minutes Away - Part 1: Developing a Model of Organization

9am / 10am / 2:30pm / 7:30pm
See Previous Post For Workout Schedule
The thought pattern I find with virtually ALL of my athletes (this includes myself), which is a major defect in how we think about training and performance, is that so much emphasis is placed on that which goes into the actual working out that there is a severe and detrimental lack of focus on recovery and regeneration. This thought process leads to a number of injuries and prevents optimal performance. I think it safe to say that with any athlete whom has walked into my classes that they would benefit more from stretching for a straight month (and this may not even be enough) while not even touching a weight than jumping straight into the weights. But, if I were to do this do you think anyone would even come back for a second class? I’ve tried. It hasn’t happened yet.

Remember, “flexibility” is one of CrossFit’s 10 fitness domains (cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, accuracy) but it’s often overlooked by athletes focusing on sexier domains such as strength, power, speed and endurance. The thing is, all of those more attractive domains can be developed to a much greater extent with flexibility. I know of some athletes who have completely done away with lifting for months at a time to focus solely on their tissue integrity and came back to squat, deadlift, bench press, etc. more when they returned then when they stopped. Flexibility alone apparently made them stronger. And, by eating the right way they didn’t really lose any size to speak of either.

That being said, what do you say we start healing, preventing and hitting some of the less attractive domains that can greatly affect our performance? Now…we need a model of organization. Let’s attack this with a scientific approach much like that of the scientific method. You know the ol’ 1.Question 2.Research 3.Hypothesis 4.Test 5.Anaylyze 6.Conclusion/Results deal-io. What should our steps then be?


Step 1: Identify a problem
Step 2: Test your problem
Step 3: Start with what you know
Step 4: Treat what you find
Step 5: Give it at least 2 mins.
Step 6: Retest your problem
Step 7: Live/Perform

In a sentence: Start with what you know, treat what you find, give it at least 2 minutes.
Check back tomorrow for a breakdown and explanation of the 7 steps. Over the course of the rest of this week I'll be focusing my posts on specific ways you can treat yourself as it relates to your shoulder and overhead positioning. There's more than meets the eye. I can tell you that.
Coach Justin

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