Today, after 3 sets of max reps chin-ups, we played with a grueling team workout that consisted of power cleans and prowler pushes. Any workout with the prowler seems to get the best of people.
Cameron has been working hard honing in his olympic lifting technique.
Here Cameron is achieving great triple-extension in his power clean while Brock blasts through a prowler push

Brock finishing his last set of power cleans

Lucy standing tall to complete a power clean

Here we see Jazzy almost hitting a great triple-extension position in her clean but missing it by a fraction of a second (which can make all the difference). In the lift pictured below Jazmin has pulled with her arms (see the bent elbows) a little too early which caused the bar to hit just a little too high up on her thigh. With her arms bent to the degree that they are in this picture the bar should not be still touching her body, this case it would be more correct to say that if the bar is still touching her body at this point her elbows should not be bent - and if her elbows were not bent at this point in her triple-extension, the bar would be in a position lower on the thigh than it is here. Now the reason that I feel so comfortable calling Jazmin out on this lift is because she is one of Performance Quest's strongest athletes and has an unsurpassed drive to perfect anything that she sets her mind to...and power cleans is her favorite lift. I know this will be a quick fix for her and that she will see this for what it is...a training tool. With that said, this is still a cool picture! Thanks Jazzy.
The girls grinding through thier prowler pushes

Coach Justin
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