Open Class 4:00pm
Foothill Volleyball 6:00pm
Ok, so every time I try to post a video here my internet shuts down. So, instead of posting a video I'm going to provide you with two links to youtube videos that I want you to watch. The first video is of Pyrros Dimas, one of the world's all-time great olympic lifters, performing a clean and jerk in "real time". The second video is of Pyrros performing a clean and jerk that is broken down frame-by-frame so you can more easily analyze his form. In both of these videos notice that when he jerks he dips straight down on his heels with his chest up. He then stops the momentum of that downward movement with an aggressive jump in order to get the bar moving back up and eventually over his head. Now, Pyrros is lifting such a heavy weight that he actually has to push his body back underneath the bar because he isn't strong enough to push the weight up with his shoulders. Notice that when he pushes his body underneath the bar his arms are immediately locked out when he lands and his shoulders are in his ears. Anything else and he would undoubtedly fail in this lift.
Yesterday the Foothill volleyball girls got a crack at jerks (as in clean and jerk) for the first time. This is a very complex movement that requires a lot of coordination and by the end of the day their technique was looking much more refined...
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