Thursday, September 29, 2011
Foothill High Boys Varsity Basketball Pictures
5 Things Every CrossFitter Should Do
1. Keep a log. If you’re serious about reaching goals, you’ve got to keep a log. WordPress, Beyond the Whiteboard or even just a ratty old notebook, it doesn’t matter what tool you use, you’ve got to log your work. (Extra points for logging your food and sleep.)
2. Get your Level 1 certification. You don’t need to have aspirations of becoming a trainer, it’s a great weekend of learning why we do what we do and why CrossFit works.
3. Visit the CrossFit Games. Oh my hell, are the Games awesome! The ESPN2 or online recaps are NOTHING to the CrossFit event of the year. It’s a weekend of pure motivation.
4. Find a coach. Either at an affiliate or online, find somebody who can program for you and keep you accountable for your progress. Nobody likes “Karen”, but it must be done. Coaches make that happen.
5. Learn other methods. What’s great about this growing cult is that we’re not a religion. We’re willing to do whatever works. Read and tinker with other ways of training and eating. If it works for you, stick with it.
Coach Justin
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
So i'll Just Drink Diet Soda Instead...Think Again

We’re not sure exactly which wholesome ingredients he’s talking about. If you check out our post about the effects of Coke on your body, you’ll see that several of the negative health aspects of Coke don’t have anything to do with the high-fructose corn syrup it contains. So we broke down the ingredients of Diet Coke, and what they do to your system.
Carbonated water: This can irritate your digestive system, triggering Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Caramel color: According to the Journal of American Medical Association, there’s some evidence that caramel coloring could increase insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.
Aspartame: This chemical sweetener replaces the “bad” high-fructose corn syrup found in regular Coke, but could be bad for you in its own way. There have been studies for years linking aspartame to cancer, and while the FDA has claimed that there’s been thorough testing on the chemical, not everyone is convinced. In 1995, the Department of Health and Human Services submitted a list of aspartame side effects to the FDA, which included headaches, seizures, neurological problems, and abdominal pain, and nausea. Also, when aspartame is ingested, it breaks down into a variety of chemicals, including formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, and can also cause abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and damage to internal organs and the central nervous system.
Phosphoric acid: This ingredient gives Diet Coke a tangy taste. Oh, and it can also be used to remove rust on surfaces. Phosphoric acid has been linked to low bone density in several studies, as well as kidney stones. The phosphoric acid binds with zinc, calcium, and magnesium in your lower intestine, which would be good for your bones, but the caffeine in Diet Coke makes you pee it all out before that happens.
Potassium Benzoate: This preservative keeps your Diet Coke fresh. Coincidentally, it also gives fireworks that annoying whistle.
Citric acid: You know that slightly citrus-y taste you love so much in your Diet Coke? That’s thanks to citric acid. It can ruin your tooth enamel and lead to decay.
Caffeine: Your body absorbs caffeine within 40 minutes, causing your pupils to dilate and your blood pressure to rise. It can also lead to ulcers, since it increases the production of stomach acid.
If you still drink soda, diet or not, MAKE A CHANGE NOW! It will be one of the greatest moves you've EVER made toward positively affecting your health.
P.S. If you think ANYTHING is healthy because it claims to be fat-free or low in're falling for one of the BIGGEST lies perpetrated to the American public. Don't be one of them.
Coach Justin
Monday, September 26, 2011
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink A Soda A Day For An Extended Number Of Days?
Sugar-rushes and caffeine-highs followed by a depressing energy crash are What happens to your body within an hour of drinking a soda, but plenty of Blisstree readers actually seem to be okay with that. Some of you think it’s alarmist to compare a caffeine and sugar rush to doing drugs, and some just don’t really care about the slump they’ll find themselves in after drinking 39 grams of sugar, but what makes us really worried about a soda-slurping habit is what happens over the long term.
Here’s a quick snapshot of you, in a few years, after drinking Coke on a regular basis:

You’ll Be Fatter: According to research in the Nurse’s Health Study, which monitored the health of 90,000 women for eight years, drinking a single soda every day of the week added 10 pounds over a four-year period.
You’ll Probably Have Diabetes: In the Nurses’ Health Study, women who said they drank one or more servings a day of a sugar-sweetened soft drink or fruit punch were twice as likely to have developed type 2 diabetes during the study than those who rarely consumed these beverages.
You’re Much More Likely to Develop Heart Disease: According to a study published in 2007 in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association, subjects who drank a soda every day over a four-year period had a 25% chance of developing high blood sugar levels and a 32% greater chance of developing lower “good” cholesterol levels. The Nurses’ Health Study found that women who drank more than two sugary beverages per day had a 40% higher risk of heart attacks or death from heart disease than women who rarely drank sugary beverages.
You’re Probably Also Less Healthy In Other Ways: Several studies, including the 2007 study published in Circulation, suggest that diet sodas have some of the same effects on health as regular sodas, despite having none or very little of the sugar. Why? Drinking soda is typically part of an overall lifestyle that’s not very healthy: We know you don’t like us to compare drinking caffeine and sugar to substance abuse, but when it comes to your lifestyle, some think that soda is just like a gateway drug.
Coach Justin
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Soda?

- In the first 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor, allowing you to keep it down.
- 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (And there’s plenty of that at this particular moment.)
- 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate; your blood pressure rises; as a response, your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked, preventing drowsiness.
- 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production, stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
- 60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
- 60 minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium, and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolytes, and water.
- 60 minutes: As the rave inside you dies down, you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like hydrating your system, or building strong bones and teeth.
This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.)
Coke itself isn’t the enemy here. It’s the dynamic combo of massive sugar doses combined with caffeine and phosphoric acid, which are found in almost all sodas.Coach Justin
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Eating Paleo Is NOT EXPENSIVE!!! And Do You Know How To Walk Up And Down Stairs?
EATING PALEO IS NOT EXPENSIVE!!! Learn how to make eating Paleo work for you.
Coach Justin
What Is A Concussion And How To Prevent Dying From One
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
No Bread!
It's really not that hard at all to understand folks. Do as the video below says and you will FEEL better, LOOK better, and PERFORM better!
Coach Justin
Monday, September 19, 2011
Choose Better
Thursday of last week was Tommy's last day with Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics. Tom has been an extremely hard worker day in and day out and continually proved his superior strength. After a brilliant football career at Shasta High School Tommy is continuing his education at UC Santa Cruz. Good luck with school and whatever else you decide to take on in Santa Cruz Tommy. We'll be looking forward to having you visit whenever you're home. Whatever you do, we know you'll do great! For his last workout we threw together a grueling workout of Turkish Get-Ups and Double-Unders.
The various presentations of these beautiful choices. These beautiful gifts do their best to masquerade as torture, as fact, as mystery. We help them along by defining them as inevitable. We live forgetting just how great our greatest gift is. The gift of choice. We live avoiding holding ourselves responsible for each and every one we make.
During our darkest hours while staring at the abyss there is always a choice to blink. To turn away in fear. Fear of failure, of pain, of nothingness, of truly being seen as we are.
Temptation fills us to be less than we are capable of. To choose to set the bar down, to drop the ball, to wait for the clock instead or work for the clock. Temptation is a gift. Temptation gives us resistance, and resistance makes us stronger. We were born for better we must only choose it.
When we resist being like everyone else. When our choice becomes leaving the old skin behind and adopting the exterior armor of a warrior we can truly become better today than we were yesterday, and life is really just that simple. Life is just making today better than than any day that has come before it.
The ability to recognize the times when these tests, these opportunities, these choices arise has been forever blessed within us. We can comfortably keep our mouth shut fearing the response of speaking the truth. We can remain seated when we know life is begging us to stand and fight. We can pull our chin over that bar for the last time of the day because we know how sweet tomorrows sunrise will be if we do, and how bitter it will taste if we don't.
No diet in the world will help you during these times. There isn't a supplement for integrity. There isn't a trainer for enlightenment. There is only you and your choice to be better today than yesterday.
The sound we hear when we attack every WOD isn't our feet moving or our mouths breathing, its better screaming to come out. We only need want it enough to fight for it, to accept it, to choose better today than yesterday....
Go Forth, and make your choice!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Beyond Vegetarianism
This is one of my favorite websites... check it out Beyond Vegetarianism
Coach Justin
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Great New Shoulder Fix-Internal Rotation Tack And Stretch
Hey guys, what were we talking abou today in baseball class? Same concept applies below, K-Star (Kelly Starrett of San Francisco CrossFit) just demonstrates the anterior portion of those concepts. Volleyball players and softball players also take note for tomorrow.
Coach Justin
CrossFit vs Bodybuilding
You know what "they"'s funny cuz' it's true...
Coach Justin
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Saturated Fat - The Forbidden Food You Should Never Stop Eating
Open Class 4:30pm
Foothill Boys Basketball 7:30pm
The last couple of days I've taken much of what I did during my time at several different CrossFits while on vacation the past couple weeks and implemented it into our training for this week. Monday's workout was composed of:
Tommy catching the bar in a solid receiving position for a power snatch
After only a 15 minute crash course on what is considered the most complex lifting movement, Brandon does a great job demonstrating a powerful hip drive
TJ also had his hands full with the very technical lift his first day of CrossFit but did a phenomenal job!
And below we see Wade, Carson, and Cole all with solid lock-outs to finish their movments
Finally, on Monday, it was also my pleasure to introduce the 2011-2012 Foothill Varsity Boys Basketball Team to CrossFit. They performed a little team workout that involved box jumps, hand-rlease push-ups, and knees-to-elbows.
Coach Justin
Powerthirst - Energy Drink Spoof
Open Class 5:00pm
Baseball Class 6:00pm
Coach Justin
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The CrossFit Games Are Coming To ESPN This Wednesday!
Open Class 5:00pm
Baseball Class 6:00pm
Foothill Class 7:30pm
Friday, September 9, 2011
Closest Human Ancestor May Rewrite Steps In Our Evolution
Complete for time:
400m run
100 broad jumps (for distance)
400m backpedal
Coach Justin
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Fundamentals Of Pose Running
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Coach Justin
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Milk The Deadly Poison
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Coach Justin
LECTINS: It Is Vitally Important That You Know What They Are
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Coach Justin
Monday, September 5, 2011
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
40 walking lunges
100m back pedal
rest 30 seconds
Coach Justin
Saturday, September 3, 2011
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
400m sprint (200m out and back)
20 air squats
rest 90 seconds
200m sprint (100m out and back)
30 air squats
rest 90 seconds
100m sprint (50m out and back)
40 air squats
rest 90 seconds
50m sprint (25m out and back)
50 air squats
Coach Justin
Friday, September 2, 2011
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Coach Justin
Thursday, September 1, 2011
NOTE: During the time that I am away Coach Jordan has agreed to let you drop into his classes throughout the week. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of what Jordan has to offer. He is an amazing coach with lots of experience in areas that I am not as strong in and you will undoubtedly be a better, more well-rounded athlete having worked with him for these coming weeks. Here is Jordan's full schedule for the week so that you can start planning which classes you want to attend.
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
Barbell Class - 4:30pm
Olympic Lifting Class - 5:30pm
Open CrossFit Class - 4:30pm
Barbell Class - 5:30pm
Barbell Class - 6:30pm
100m sprint
90 double-unders (you should have a rope by now...if not, go get one)
80 sit-ups
70 air squats
60 walking lunge steps
50 supermans
40 hand-release push-ups
30 box jumps (I bet you can find something to jump on)
20 broad jumps (jump as far as you can)
10 handstand push-ups (scale as necessary)
Coach Justin