A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Choose Better


Open Class 5:30pm

Baseball/Softball Class 6:30pm

Thursday of last week was Tommy's last day with Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics. Tom has been an extremely hard worker day in and day out and continually proved his superior strength. After a brilliant football career at Shasta High School Tommy is continuing his education at UC Santa Cruz. Good luck with school and whatever else you decide to take on in Santa Cruz Tommy. We'll be looking forward to having you visit whenever you're home. Whatever you do, we know you'll do great! For his last workout we threw together a grueling workout of Turkish Get-Ups and Double-Unders.

Everyday is full of burning presentations of choice. Boiled down all life's bullshit really just amounts to two options: Choose to be better, or choose to be the same. There is no greater shame than waking up tomorrow the same way you woke up today.

The various presentations of these beautiful choices. These beautiful gifts do their best to masquerade as torture, as fact, as mystery. We help them along by defining them as inevitable. We live forgetting just how great our greatest gift is. The gift of choice. We live avoiding holding ourselves responsible for each and every one we make.

During our darkest hours while staring at the abyss there is always a choice to blink. To turn away in fear. Fear of failure, of pain, of nothingness, of truly being seen as we are.

Temptation fills us to be less than we are capable of. To choose to set the bar down, to drop the ball, to wait for the clock instead or work for the clock. Temptation is a gift. Temptation gives us resistance, and resistance makes us stronger. We were born for better we must only choose it.

When we resist being like everyone else. When our choice becomes leaving the old skin behind and adopting the exterior armor of a warrior we can truly become better today than we were yesterday, and life is really just that simple. Life is just making today better than than any day that has come before it.

The ability to recognize the times when these tests, these opportunities, these choices arise has been forever blessed within us. We can comfortably keep our mouth shut fearing the response of speaking the truth. We can remain seated when we know life is begging us to stand and fight. We can pull our chin over that bar for the last time of the day because we know how sweet tomorrows sunrise will be if we do, and how bitter it will taste if we don't.

No diet in the world will help you during these times. There isn't a supplement for integrity. There isn't a trainer for enlightenment. There is only you and your choice to be better today than yesterday.

The sound we hear when we attack every WOD isn't our feet moving or our mouths breathing, its better screaming to come out. We only need want it enough to fight for it, to accept it, to choose better today than yesterday....

Go Forth, and make your choice!
Coach Justin

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