A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Marlon Doesn't Touch A Bike And Competes In A 50-Mile Uphill Race!


INTRODUCTION: This past weekend I received this text..."Jusin, just wanted to thank you for the training. I would have never been able to do it without your help. 50 miles of uphill, no bike training. My friends were impressed. See you Tuesday."

BACKSTORY:This past week one of my beloved families made their way to Mexico to watch "Pops" compete in a 50-mile bike race...all uphill!

"Pops'" name is Marlon and, without even being able to remember the last time he was on a bike, he jumped on and went for it.

Wait a minute...

You mean he had been planning on doing this race and he didn't train massive amounts of hours on his bike? What in the world was he thinking?

Well, you see, Marlon is an avid Performance Quest Athlete who's addiction lands him in grueling workouts anywhere from 3 to 5 times a week. He has been training for this race for some time now (without getting on his bike) and yeah, I even mentioned that he might want to jump on his bike and take if for a spin. I figured he should at least ride it around the block to make sure he still knew how to mount and pedal one of those things since he literally couldn't remember the last time he'd been on one. But eh. He trusted in the training and it paid off for him. Much to the surprise of his friends (a gang of biking enthusiasts) he did well, keeping up with and finishing alongside them!

And, the coolest part about the whole thing (at least for me)...was the point at the end of the text where he said, "See you Tuesday." That's correct, he was right back in the gym when he got home hammering out a 5 rep max of 275#! Tell me, how many people do you know (outside of the Performance Quest classes) who can not only complete, but excel in 50 miles of uphill and come back to lift 275# for 5 consecutive reps just a couple days later? I'm guessin' not too many. Welcome to elite athletics!

Here are some pictures of Marlon and his family bustin' out some deadlifts.

Marlon Hittin' his 275# 5RM

Gio (13 yrs. old) cranks out a 155# deadlift for 5 reps!

Natalie (11 yrs. old) puts up a 5 rep max of 115#!

April nails 135# for 5!

Coach Justin


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