A collection of websites, articles, blog posts, videos, comments, studies, etc. from other forerunners in the areas of performance that will be covered, along with my own rants, raves, thoughts and ideas about selected topics. Also this blog serves as a showcase of the accomplishments and achievements of the hard-working athletes of Performance Quest Fitness & Athletics.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Some Common Myths That AREN'T TRUE!


Every day we hear of health measures we are supposed to be taking that have skewed research and contain useless jargon that has weak support at best or alternative motives driving the message ($). Some of these merely catch on for a little while and are considered fads, but some of them cause a paradigm shift and can last for decades. The ones I'm talking about are the ones that affect your health and lead you to do what you think is healthy but, in all actuality, is deteriorting your health as well as the health of your loved ones. So, in this "not so politically correct" post I'm going to spell some of them out for you here. I'm not going to go into detail on why I'm making these claims. If you would like to take matters into your own hands and do the research for yourself I'd be more than willing to point you in the right direction. If not, I ask that you simply trust me on these because I have already done the research myself and they are no-brainers.

1. Grains and cereals are healthy, good for you, and part of a balanced diet.

2. Everything is okay in moderation (quality over quantity on this one folks).

3. Fat will make you fat (even saturated fat has been found to be healthy for you now...this one can get a little in-depth however)

4. Low-fat, high-carb diets are healthy (government sure screwed up on this one and people are still paying for it with their lives)

5. Cholesterol in food causes high cholesterol in the body (we now know that breads, cereals, pastas, oats, wheat, flour, grains, etc. cause high cholesterol...sorry Cheerios)

6. Fat-Free products are good/better for you (Nope! They're packed with sugars, artificial sweetners, and a host of other processed and shelf-life extending junk...also refer to #3).

7. Soy is good and healthy (I'm about to start drop-kicking people in the face about this one just to make it easier on myself and I'm not going to address this now because I don't want you to have to sit here and read this post for another couple of hours)

8. Vegetarianism/Veganism is good and healthy (same as soy but even more rediculous and infuriating. I understand there are a number of reasons why vegetarians are vegetarians but if it's because it's healthy...that's a drop-kick to the face and if it's because you don't agree with the way animals are raised and treated then buy the meat of the ones that are treated humanely. Grass-fed and free-range animals live a much happier existense and are MUCH healthier for it. By purchasing these meats you will not only be taking healthy protein sources into your body when you consume them but you will be making a vote every time you're at the grocery store for how you would like the animals you eat to be treated. Vegetarians who are so just because they don't like the cruelty to animals have effectively stripped themselves of their voice by not voting with their purchases. They are seen as neutral and, ultimately, as a non-factor.)

9. Beans and grains are a good source of fiber (compared to the same quantities of fruits and vegetables this is just not true. Plus with fruits and vegetables you don't get all of the harmful, poisonous, cancerous, and overall just disease-generating components as you do from grains and beans)

10. Arch supports and orthotics are good for your feet (Yeah, until you have to have knee surgery, a hip replacement and you blow out your back because of them...but don't worry...your doctor will blame it on something else, like your excess weight from eating too much fat!)

11. Squats are bad for your knees (this one is laughable. People who tell you this obviously don't understand that you have to perform a squat to get down onto and stand up from the easy chair or the porcelain god (the toilet). They also don't understand how to properly perform a squat and/or the mechanisms with which a well executed squat is physiologically soundly performed. If you ever encounter someone who recommends you don't do squats anymore because they are somehow bad for you, do as Robb Wolf suggests and tell them not to worry, you have switched to a much safer movement called a "sit-to-stand".)

That's it for now, but my head is constantly racing with these, so there's more to come.

How does Foothill High School Boys Varsity Basketball always seem to have the extra edge they need when it counts most?

Even Coach Grooms has been getting in on the action

Coach Justin


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